But that is not the topic i want to explain for this moment, Alhamdulillah i passed my first after that second examination and obviously i got satisfy marks without presumed it, then final exam will on this 15th, i have two papers on that day, Ilmus Sorf and Naqod Qodim, then Mu'jam Arabiah on 17th.. i think i'm not prepare too much for it=),therefore here i want to share some exam tips that may come in handy :
Exam Preparation Tips :
It needn't be the case, just follow the directions to achieve great results every time, InsyaAllah=).
1. Always, always and always begin with Bismillah
2. Examine your NIAT (intention) and correct it if necessary.
3. Honour your lecturers no matter how strange their teaching methods seem to you.Respect and reverence for lecturers are amongst the distinguishing marks of being a Muslim student.
4. Making preparations well before the examinations begin.At least two days before it. Plan out a REALISTIC timetable that will result in you having covered [or at least scanned] all the material well before your exam.
5. When revising make notes. It may seem as though you are just reproducing your notes,but perservere , believe it or not what you are doing is one of the most effective ways of revising.
6. Make sure you are unlikely to be disturbed while you are studying.This means turning off the TV or laptop, especially for SYABAB=). Discipline pivotal to success.
7. Always iron out problems as soon as possible. (As Sobru minal Iman)
8. Before begin the exam, take a couple of minutes out to supplicate to your Lord, asking Him to grant you success.Then begin in the name of Allah.
9. As you come out from the exam class, remember to thank Allah however about it.
Ok,that's all..let us supplicate together..
" اللهم جعلنا من الناجحين والفائزين والمتفوقين في كل امتحان في الدنيا و الآخرة"
idea by : M.fadhlillah
اللهم اجعلنا من الناجحين والفائزين والمتفوقين والممتازين في امتحانات الدنيا والآخرة
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